AXA Research Fund

AXA Research Fund

The AXA Chair is a highly selective funding scheme for senior researchers intended to support significant advancements in the development of a research area within a host institution that is in line with its long-term strategy. It aims at creating a full-time academic position in the host institution and fostering a step change in the career of the appointed AXA Professor.

Funding Organization: AXA Research Fund

Research Scope: Health, climate, environment and socioeconomics

Climate and Environment

  • Adaptation to Climate Change
  • Biodiversity & Natural Capital Protection (including nature-based solutions)
  • Circular Economy
  • Climate Transition
  • Handling the Impact of Climate Change on Populations and on the Environment (including sustainable and resilient cities)
  • New Technologies Solutions applied to Climate and Environment (including natural catastrophes)
  • Planetary Boundaries
  • Pollution and its Management
  • Sustainable Resources Management (including notably food, water, and energy)

  • Adaptation to Longevity and Aging
  • Air Pollution and Health implications
  • Inclusive Health & Healthcare
  • Mental Health & Neurogenerative diseases
  • New Technologies Solutions applied to Well-being, Prevention, & Personalized Health
  • One Health / Planetary Health
  • Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases & Epidemics
  • Prevention and Management of Chronic & Non-Communicable Diseases
Socioeconomics and New Technologies

  • Building an Inclusive and Diverse Society (including gender equality, social and economic inclusion)
  • Cyber Risk & Protection
  • Geopolitical Risks & Conflicts
  • Responsible Investment Strategies & Sustainable Finance (including financial inclusion)
  • Social Dimensions of Climate Change
  • Social and Economic Impacts of New Technologies (including AI and big data/quantum)
  • The Macroeconomic & Societal Role of Insurance



  • Institutions: Host institutions must be registered in the AXA Research Fund’s database. Host Institutions can submit only one candidate for the whole institution (and not one per department, faculty or laboratory).
  • Prospective Chairholder: The prospective Chairholder is expected to be at least PhD +10 years minimum, to be of the highest caliber and should have demonstrated outstanding research achievements.
  • Research program: The research program must demonstrate its scientific originality and innovative character, as well as be part of the three main research fields we support: health, climate, and new technologies and socioeconomics.

Maximum Award: The Grant provides 5 years of funding support of up to 200,000 EUR/year.

Application Process and Deadline: Applications must be submitted on the AXA online application portal (

Application Deadline: Institution registration by 7 October 2024, Expression of interest by 10 October 2024, and full application by 21 November 2024.

Further information

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