Guidelines for Conducting Research On-Campus During the Outbreak of COVID-19

Guidelines for Conducting Research On-Campus During the Outbreak of COVID-19

  • Post author:
  • Post published:15 September 2021
  • Post category:News

Announcement of

the COVID-19 Emergency Operation and Assistance Center,

King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

Guidelines for Conducting Research On-Campus During the Outbreak of COVID-19


Pursuant to the Announcement of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi Measure and Surveillance of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak No. 34 regarding the temporary closure of all of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi campuses in Bangkok, in response to the Announcement and for the smooth and effective operation of the University’s research as well as to ensure the safety and well-being of the University’s personnel, the COVID-19 Emergency Operation and Assistance Center (KMUTT COVID-19 Center) thus issued the Guidelines for Conducting Research On-Campus During the Outbreak of COVID-19. Details are as follows:

1. Conducting research and academic services on-campus means the access to the premises of the University by lecturers, researchers, staff in charge of research and academic services such as research assistants, scientists, research staff, final-year undergraduate students and graduate students, in order to perform their task or to conduct research/academic services. The access to the university premises is only limited to those out of necessity including those who are currently conducting their research or thesis as a part of their graduation requirement, those conducting research project or academic services under the contract designating required duration/deadline, researchers assigned by the University or supervisor(s) to complete important or urgent works related to the COVID-19 research or the development of COVID-19 related research.

2. Research staff must strictly comply with the surveillance measures prescribed by the government authorities and the University including;
2.1 Strictly follow DMHTT measures
2.2 Refrain from eating together.
2.3 Wear a medical face mask all the time while visiting the University.
2.4 The number of people permitted to be in a room must not exceed 5 persons per room. The area ratio per person must not be less than 3.2 square meters per person.
2.5 For the utmost safety of yourself and the community, make sure that you are not infected by COVID-19 nor considered as a risk group, or have any symptoms of COVID-19.

3. Faculties/Units shall prepare a two-week on-site working plan and submit it for approval at least 3 business days prior to the first day of work mentioned in the proposed plan. The plan must be in line with the Section 9 of the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations B.E. 2548 (No. 28).
Once the on-site working plan which indicates the names of the staff members who wish to work on-site, the objectives of accessing to the university premises and the visiting period is approved by the Dean or the Head of the Unit, then the Faculties/Units must submit it to the Director of the COVID-19 Emergency Operation and Assistance Center. All required documents shall be submitted in electronic format to
Students wishing to enter the university premises must complete the Student Parental/Guardian Consent form requesting to study and research at the University during the COVID-19 measures implementation and surveillance in order to give consent to access to the university premises. Students can download the Student Parental/Guardian Consent form at All required documents shall be submitted in electronic format to

4. The operation of laboratory must be in line with the Guidelines on Laboratory Operation and Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic including;

4.1 All laboratory areas must be properly cleaned before conducting research.
4.2 Check point must be set up at the laboratories’ entrance and exit during the closure. The security guard(s) must ensure that preventive measures prescribed by the University are followed.
4.3 A system to oversee the apparatus running 24 hours i.e. refrigerators, freezers, uninterruptible power supply (USP) must be provided. Data must regularly be backed up. Inspection of chemical storage rooms, gas cylinders and freezers for microorganism’s preservation must be performed in order to ensure that they are securely closed and not leaking. Should there be any equipment malfunctions, the staff must promptly report the issue to the related units for assistance.
4.4. The areas that are not in used must be closed; laboratory equipment shall be limited for mobilizing. Chemical and biomaterials must be safely stored.
4.5 The related unit must control the management of hazardous waste and infectious waste from the laboratory areas; such waste must be regularly disposed and disinfected.

Effective from September 7, 2021 until further notice

Announced on September 7, 2021


(Asst. Prof. Dr. Prasert Kanthamanon)
Director of the COVID-19 Emergency Operation and Assistance Center
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

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