The Van Tienhoven Foundation for International Nature Protection makes small grants available for the protection and conservation of threatened species and ecosystems across the globe.
Funding Organization: Van Tienhoven Foundation, The Netherlands
Scope: Activities in one or more of three areas are required.
- Ecosystem protection
- Species protection
- Community-managed nature protection
Eligibility: The foundation only accepts applications:
- From not-for-profit organisations, that are registered as legal bodies (NGOs and scientific institutions).
- Not-for-profit organisations must have a bank account in their organisations name, and able to receive international funds.
- Only one application per organisation will be taken into consideration for each call for proposals. If an organisation has been given a grant before, a final report must have been submitted for any project previously supported by the Van Tienhoven Foundation. An organisation can be supported for a maximum of three times within eight years.
- From organisations with a track record in species protection, ecosystem protection and/or community managed nature protection, that can be demonstrated by background documentation (e.g. websites, social media, annual and/or final project delivery reports).
- Implemented in developing countries following the most recent DAC list of ODA Recipients for the continents Asia and Latin America. Thailand is eligible.
Maximum Award: Projects can request a maximum budget of €10,000 for a time span of two years maximum from the Van Tienhoven Foundation.
Application Process: Project proposals must be submitted via the online platform (
Application Deadline: 31 January 2025
Further information:
For more information, please contact
Ms. Panida Suwannatheerak
Ms. Mananchaya Pissaparn
Tel: 0 2470 9654