Nature Awards Standing Up For Science-The John Maddox Prize [Deadline: 30 April 2025]

Nature Awards Standing Up For Science-The John Maddox Prize [Deadline: 30 April 2025]

The John Maddox Prize Standing Up For Science, is for individuals who stand up and speak out for science and for evidence-based policy, advancing public discussion around difficult topics despite challenges or hostility, successfully making change happen in public discourse, opinion or policy.

Funding Organization: Nature In partnership with Sense about Science

Scope: Two award categories: early-career and lifetime achievement.


The prize is open to any researcher who has successfully spoken up for sound science and evidence in the public interest. Nominations and self-applications must be submitted online, and address the following questions:

  • What science did the nominee communicate and on what issue?
  • How did the nominee engage others in the discussion?
  • What challenges, adversity or barriers did the nominee overcome in their communication efforts?
  • What impacts did the nominee’s efforts have?
  • Why was it important that the nominee’s voice was heard in this debate?

Maximum Award: There are two categories: early-career and lifetime achievement. Each winner receives 5000 euros and their work will be featured on

Application Process: Nominations must be submitted through the online nomination form:

Application Deadline: 30 April 2025

Further Information:

For more information, please contact
Ms. Panida Suwannatheerak
Ms. Mananchaya Pissaparn
Tel: 0 2470 9654
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